The Big Sheep Production Report 2

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We have some less than amazing news and also some reassuring good news. We hesitated sharing things we’re struggling with, because we have wanted to keep MockPuppet Games upbeat, professional, and fun. But I feel it’s just as important to be honest and to keep all of our wonderful supporters in the loop, so you don’t feel we’ve abandoned the game.

So production has all but ground to a halt for about a month now. We’d wanted to be working on it more steadily even if it was just in dribs and drabs at times, but we have had to concede that there will sometimes have to be lulls like this, because Davy’s rocking his last year of his Fine Arts degree, and I am trying to get everything together for my visa to stay with him! If I have to get booted over the pond we’ll still be collaborating on the game but it will certainly throw a bit of a wrench in things so please wish us luck!

The reassuring good news bit is that we have not disappeared and we are definitely still making the game happen. Even if it takes years (er, though with any luck it will take much less than years). It’s a project with a lot of personal significance for us and we’re committed to it.

Thanks for bearing with us. Until next time, don’t let your sheep stray too far.

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